Friday, July 31, 2009


That's my hard drived I'm talking about. Wednesday afternoon sent Nilda my design for the Cuttlebug Spot...turned the PC off...went back 4 hours later to check my email and I get a NO BOOT DEVICE and a black screen! I cried all night, Id just got done dumping all my pics from camera cards onto the PC and of course, I hadn't written them to disks yet. Dell just came this evening about 7pm EST and put in a new hard drive ( since it's still under warrenty-- not even 6 months old mind you) so I'm up and running, and hopefully will have email by the this time tomorrow. I'm going to try and recover the hard drive so I hopefully I can get all my pics back ( that's really the only things on there that are important to me). So, wish me luck and hope to be back in action full speed by Monday!

Say your prayers for me ladies!


1 comment:

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Well, hopefully things are back to normal for you now and my fingers are crossed that you were able to recover your pictures! Can't wait to see your design on Monday...I'm excited about our reveal for Practical Scrappers....
Kim xXx


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